Welcome Family! We learn, we grow together.
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Annual membership on creating peace world together
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12 Weeks childhood trauma healing online lessons for domestic abused survivors.
Gain clarity and direction with personalised life coaching to gain back your inner power.
Healing together through the journey of loss
Interactive workshops on various inner child heal-connect-self-parenting topics
Ready for a new life? Comprehensive program and home-like community to overcome addiction
Improve self-compassion and reduce stress through mindfulness
Get healthy and active with an energising sleep-meal-workout clinic
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Unblock energy and clarify karma through akashic record/ reiki/ angels reading
Clarify your confusion and difficulties, guide the upcoming action and get reminders
Harness the power of positive thinking with daily affirmations class
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Empower your journey with personalised life coaching
Learn to be present and mindful in this meditation session
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Plan and organize successful community events
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